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Why is it after i buy a bunch of a gold bars n ive won alot in a row, cont below

Linda_Michalski Posts: 1 Newbie

Once I need to extend my game, I have bars i bought already n your system says STORE CLOSED, THIS HAS HAPPENED ON SEVERAL GAMES I PLAY, THATS MADE BY KING. I HAVE TO START OVER AND I LOSE ALL THE ITEMS I HAVE WON?? IS THIS ON PURPOSE SO WE players spend more money? If so please let me know so I can delete the game.   Thank you 



  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581 Level 4
    edited July 2018

    Hi Linda! Please watch about using caps, as it is considered to be yelling. I know my Caps Lock button regularly gets pushed here, and I have to re-write whatever I had been writing. Sheesh. Aggravating, isn't it? Anyhow, I do have a link for you to follow to get this issue answered. There is even a link at the bottom so you can ask more questions or get more information if you need it. Purchase Issues Thanks for writing and I hope you find your answers! 

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