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Lvl 3506

Saulyte Posts: 90

Level 3

Hi again. The same problem like always. On the level 3506 should be 24 MOVES, but like all the time I have less. Just 17. I dont have money to buy extra moves. Could you fix it. Please



  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581
    edited July 2018

    Hello again Saulyte! How have you been? I have asked about this and the moves have been lowered. I still let them know about it for you, however. There has actually been a lot of chatter about this issue, so you aren't alone. Thanks for writing and I hope you have a nice day! Nice to see you again. :)

  • jfactor
    jfactor Posts: 15

    Level 2

    Not only did they lower the moves, but they put more toppings on the waffles so it takes even more moves to clear those as well making it IMPOSSIBLE to clear this level even with a minimum amount of boosters.

  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581

    That is what everyone seems to be saying, jfactor. I am so sorry about this and I will let the Moderators know that you also have voiced your concerns. I will be glad to do so. :)

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi Laura and all, the Superstars are trying their best to push the studio to stop lowering the levels.  Let's keep our fingers crossed that they listen and make some changes back to what they were before.

  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581

    Yep Elsa. We are certainly pushing. That is for darn sure. :) Hang in there all, and keep on writing anytime you have an issue!

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi jfactor, although this question has already been reported to King I am making a note to let them know that you added your comment here.  The more that write, hopefully we can get them to make some good changes for all the players.

  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581

    Yes, indeed to that Elsa. Thank you for jumping in too. I am glad everyone is writing in and letting the team know that this may need to be changed. That is how you do it, and I know King does listen. :) Have a great day all!

  • Steve-18
    Steve-18 Posts: 277

    I completed all levels of Space Dash which gave me 2 color bombs, 2 wrapped, 2 striped and 3 extra moves for FREE! Started level 3506 with 20 moves. Completed in 18. Took maybe 30 minutes to complete everything. Cost me nothing.

  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581

    That is wonderful Steve! Congrats to you, and great job! Enjoy those boosters and keep on crushin' those candies! :)

  • Asiancow
    Asiancow Posts: 42

    Level 3

    I completed all levels of Space Dash which gave me 2 color bombs, 2 wrapped, 2 striped and 3 extra moves for FREE! Started level 3506 with 20 moves. Completed in 18. Took maybe 30 minutes to complete everything. Cost me nothing.

    That’s not fair , not everyone gets space dash and I never do so it’s impossible for people like us to finish. You had so many boosters yet you still needed 18 moves which is more than the 17 they give to commoners like me

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?