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Gold Bars

Squeeze Posts: 14

Level 1

Every time I passed a gift, I was entitled to 8 bars. I passed it several times in that episode and never received them. I never received at least 40 bars. I think I do deserve them. Please help.


Best Answer

  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581
    edited July 2018 Answer ✓

    I think I know what he is talking about. Are you talking about the gift bags you earn when you purchase something--the ones that show up on your nap and when you get to that level it opens and you get gold bars? I have one on my map right now. Cez definitely will have to look into this one. It could be a purchase issue, bit I'm thinking it is more of a map glitch. The Moderator will see it tomorrow, so hopefully she can straighten it out and get you your gold bars! Good luck! 


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546

    Hi Squeeze, can you please give me more information on this?  I am not recalling passing any gifts on CC Saga.  Could you please do a print screen showing the gift and uploading it here?  I have never seen anything in CC Saga where you get gold bars so to help you with this I need more information and a print screen please.

  • Squeeze
    Squeeze Posts: 14

    Level 1

    HI Elsa, I was in Waffle Ward when CC was giving out the Gift Bags.  I cannot send you a screen shot of it because they are gone once you pass it.  The Gift Bags gives you an extra 8 bars.  That episode had about 6 Gift Bags and every time I passed it, I was never given the bars. Hope that can help.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546

    Hi Squeeze, I am so confused because I am not familiar with Waffle Ward or gift bags with  8 gold bars.  I am going to elevate this to a King Admin to see if she has an answer for you.  She won't be in until tomorrow so give it a couple of days for her to play catch up with all the messages.

  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581
    edited July 2018 Answer ✓

    I think I know what he is talking about. Are you talking about the gift bags you earn when you purchase something--the ones that show up on your nap and when you get to that level it opens and you get gold bars? I have one on my map right now. Cez definitely will have to look into this one. It could be a purchase issue, bit I'm thinking it is more of a map glitch. The Moderator will see it tomorrow, so hopefully she can straighten it out and get you your gold bars! Good luck! 

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546

    Laura can you please do a print screen so I have a better idea of what you guys are talking about?

  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581

    Sure thing! As soon as my laptop is up and running I will have time to do that. :) 

  • Squeeze
    Squeeze Posts: 14

    Level 1

    Hi Laura and Elsa. Right now I am in Wafer Wonderland. The gift bag is at the end of that segment. Once I get to that level and pass it CC is suppose to give me gold bars. I don't know how to take a screen shot to make you understand what I am saying. Thanks for helping.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546

    I never saw that bag before!  That must be another new testing thing.

  • Squeeze
    Squeeze Posts: 14

    Level 1

    Yes. That's it.  When you pass that level the bag opens up and you get gold bars.  I passed it many times and never received my bars.  This is not fair.  I'm entitled to them.  Thanks 

  • Laura_Grosvenor
    Laura_Grosvenor Posts: 1,581

    Absotively you are! Here is the link that you can go to to get those gold bars credited to your account: Purchase Issues. There is a link on the bottom to directly contact the Team. All you need to do is fill that out and explain what exactly happened and they will take it from there. I am so sorry again that this has happened to you! I have a bag on my own game that I can't get to because I am stuck on the level I'm on and the bag is another level away. *cries* I wish you good luck and I sure do hope they can give you what you've earned. :) Have the best day!

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