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Hello. I recently WON the Planet Contest ( Popsicle Planet ). This is one of the harder Contests to

Gustave_Ferrier Posts: 2 Newbie

Win. Placed at around 1750 levels deep. After the results totaller totalled the results on the Monday Morning ( London Time ), I recieved the Treasure Chest. 1st Place only. No other prizes, but no Winner's Cup or Trophy as an acknowledgement for my hard fought for win. Could someone please verify the Rules regarding this. I would have sent Candy Crush Saga a SCREEN SHOT of the results board, but as the results board stays on one's page for 2 day's afterwards, they have a record of ALL WINS. Gustave.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,743 Sweet Legend

    Hi Gustave, I can give you directions on how this is played but it's not working correctly at the moment.  It's not counting the candies.  As a matter of fact I heard that all the challenges have glitches and the studio is trying to fix them.  With this challenge after you collect the green candies the leader board should open up and then you will have to collect the color bombs.  The top 3 winners will be the players that collected the most color bombs.  I believe the first place winner gets 4 freebies but I can't remember now what they are.  Please let me know if I have answered your question or if you have anything else that you would like me to address.

  • Gustave_Ferrier
    Gustave_Ferrier Posts: 2 Newbie

    Hi Elsa. Thank you. Having played this superb Game for more than three years, the rules and rewards seem fairly straightforward.  I did get a Winner's Cup for the Cake island Contest many hundreds of levels earlier, but none for the much harder planet contest.  What seems strange is that the results board clearly indicates who has won or placed in an event.  Like all the other Player's who are dedicated, we play this Game based upon, persistence, concentration, and mental acuity.  So, yes, it seems fair to suggest that when you win one of the hard in-games ( additional to level clearance, one should recieve the appropriate acknowledgement. Thanks for you're input. Gustave.

  • Gustave_Ferrier
    Gustave_Ferrier Posts: 2 Newbie

    Planet Contest Update.

    Having Won the difficult Planet Contest ( A Five Tier Event ) with Popsicle Planet usually played beyond Level 1700,  I asked whether or not one recieves a Trophy or Crown.  I recieved various bonuses for this Win, but no trophy.  However, I reminded constantly and Marvel at the number of People who play this Game and the level of difficulty the deeper one goes.  Another dimension of course is when you play with the random 29 Individual's on the various challenges  ( Cake island/Planet Contest etc ) the really excellent Player's can amass incredible points. This Week's Planet Contest ( Facebook/London ) individuals whom I am playing against manage to obtain thousands of points with single level clearances awarding only 10 - 80 - 120 points per level. This is outstanding level of play for Candy Crush Saga. I am currently just beyond Level 1900. Major respect.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,743 Sweet Legend

    Hi Gustave, the way that these players are getting such high scores is because they found a level that can offer a lot of color bombs.  The challenge is not working correctly at the moment because it's not counting it correctly but the other day I was told that I had to collect the green candies.  A friend told me to play level 3309 because it's only green and blue candies.  There was a glitch where the game kept going so I was able to collect a lot of green candies - like thousands of them.  I'm sure once they fix the counting issue that glitch will disappear.  

  • Kasie
    Kasie Posts: 32 Level 2

    Here are a few comments/thoughts based on my recent win -- 1st place -- for the Popsicle Planet contest collecting color bombs. I received 6 hours of 1 color bomb and 1 stripe/wrap combo to start each game with, no extra lives, and two other bonuses (probably a hammer and something else). I don't know where a trophy or would appear. (I might also add that from my experience only the first place winner received anything, unlike other contests. I've placed third before with the color bombs and didn't receive anything.)

    What I'm not clear on is whether there are any other planets after Popsicle. To my dismay, the current contest is collecting bombs again. Been there, done that!

    Regarding counting bombs, what I've noticed is that if you win a new level there's a multiplier of 10 for the bombs you've exploded. If it's a level you've previously won, there's no multiplier.

    Hope this helps.

  • Gustave_Ferrier

    Hi Kasie.  Thanks for the response.  Everything you mentioned regarding the Planet Contest is correct.  I did recieve six hours of play for position 1.  The Answer to the Winner's Cup or Trophy is in the same place as the Cupcake island Contest. If you win that, you get a Winner's Cup which is placed on you're progress and Score page.  And as the Planet Contest is much harder than the Cake island Contest much deeper into the Game, one should recieve a Trophy too.

  • Bernadine
    Bernadine Posts: 125 Level 3
    27 July 2019: Hi Elsa. Normally every Thursday I would get my popsicle planet challenge, but for some reason I haven’t received it yet. Has gotten rid of the challenge? Monday is the usual day that I would collect my rewards after the challenge is over and I always place at #1

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