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The next episode did not start on Wednesday. It is now Thurs. and the espisode did not start.

psychehj Posts: 6 Level 2

The next episode did not start on Wednesday. It is now Thurs. and the episode did not start. Also, I do not get new episodes on my I phone or android tablet.

Best Answer

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,783 Sweet Legend
    Answer ✓

    Hi psychehj, the new episode was not released this past Wednesday because Microsoft has to update something on their end before the episode can be released.  I heard it might not be released until the beginning of the week.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,783 Sweet Legend
    Answer ✓

    Hi psychehj, the new episode was not released this past Wednesday because Microsoft has to update something on their end before the episode can be released.  I heard it might not be released until the beginning of the week.

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