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Level changed on Candy Crush? Different number of moves or seeing the same level twice?



  • Alrik_Spans
    Alrik_Spans Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I have the same problem with level 584, I have only 12 moves instead of 50! Please stop with this test for a "select group" of people and give everyone the same moves !

  • Alrik_Spans
    Alrik_Spans Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Thank you Suzy to answer my question on Youtube.... Please stop this test and give everyone the same moves !

  • Alrik_Spans
    Alrik_Spans Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I have the same problem with level 584, I have only 12 moves instead of 50! Please stop with this test for a "select group" of players and give everyone the same moves !

  • cheerwordy
    cheerwordy Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I’m having the same problem! Help!!!

  • Ashley_Kozuba
    Ashley_Kozuba Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Me 3!help!

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546

    Hi cheerwordy, I will let them know that you added your comment here.

  • Nick_Carbajal
    Nick_Carbajal Posts: 1

    Level 1

    12 seems to be the number for many of the levels. One of the patches probably changed the move counter algorithm. I just started and I've come across a ton of levels where the move counter is 12 and records online indicate there were a ton more. I hope thos is fixed soon and the creators dont continue to haphazardly change the move sets.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546

    Wow Nick so you are seeing a pattern?  I never took note of the number of moves for these levels.  I will keep my eyes open when responding to future messages to see if they are all down to 12 moves.  Very interesting!

  • Suzy_Fuller
    Suzy_Fuller Posts: 15

    Level 2

    Again, its to see if everyone finds the changes better or worse, but they were supposed to be cutting back on it a little as far as I know. I will ask the team again :)

    I appreciate the situation you are in. You've mentioned there is poor communication. Therefore, I thought I'd let you know that the information you've received seems to be incorrect. There are now over a thousand levels that have been altered since the beginning of August. And the size of the test group seems to have been considerably expanded. :(
  • Laura_Jones_2
    Laura_Jones_2 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    I have the reduced moves for some of my levels and it makes them almost impossible to complete. I used to love playing, even the super hard levels, but now, unless the moves are increased, I will be leaving the game. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?