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What is purpose of Sweet Supplies inventory?



  • sarahm2019
    sarahm2019 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Understood. But in games I’m only given the same five boosters, most of which I don’t actually have in my inventory. I have others that have tens of in inventory but they never show up in my games.

  • CBRetriever2
    CBRetriever2 Posts: 94

    Level 3

    I'm plying on an Amazon Fire, and in my knapsack, I see

    5 hearts = five lives

    Gold bars = 8

    Extended life = 0 minutes

    Color bombs = 6

    Lollipops = 3

    Wrapped candies = 7

    Coconut wheels = 123

    Hands = 2

    Fish = 0

    Check marks = 6

    Flying pies = 0

    Changeable striped candy = 0

    Cornucopia = 0

    of these, the color bombs, wrapped candies, coconut wheels, check marks and fish only show up on the pre-game screen where you select boosters and only the ones that re allocated for that level show, not the others. I'm playing level 2209 so I see the option of choosing a color bomb and/or a wrapped candies. The other 3 are not available to choose from. This is as it's always been,

    When I open the level, I see on the left of my screen (I play using landscape): a listing of

    Hands = 2

    Flying pies = 0

    Lollipops = 3

    Cornucopia = 0

    Changeable striped candy = 0

    Again this is as it always has been and in my case the numbers in the knapsack match the numbers on the start page and those within the level itself. The color bomb, fish, wrapped candies, coconut wheels and check marks are not available withing the level.

    Hope my explanation helps

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