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How come King removed the helmet and spaceships from Facebook and Facebook game room.

Sandy_De_Jong Posts: 3 Newbie

This is just another set back. Removing possible ways of winning boosters. This game seems to be in favour of mobile phones and Windows 10 app. Its hard enough when every 2nd level have a number of moves less and or something added to the level. Now the helmet and spaceships and candy pets have all been taken from us or at least me. Its unfair either remove it for all or keep it for all. Some levels are almost impossible to pass unless we are using boosters. What will king be removing next, The Candy wheel?. Stop taking from the same people all the time. All I want is to see fair play for everybody.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,880 Sweet Legend

    Hi Sandy, I am creating a list of complaints about the Space Dash.  If it's gone, then perhaps it's due to another glitch that they found.  I will be forwarding this list to a King Admin  tomorrow morning.

  • Sandy_De_Jong
    Sandy_De_Jong Posts: 3 Newbie

    Hi Sandy, I am creating a list of complaints about the Space Dash.  If it's gone, then perhaps it's due to another glitch that they found.  I will be forwarding this list to a King Admin  tomorrow morning.

    Elsa Please let me know the outcome. I don't know how to contact King directly but as you do I am grateful for that. I have been up the top for some time now but falling back I am on level 3780 at the moment I only have 15 moves a month ago it was 30 moves to clear 81 Jelly and 4 ingredients this is 15 moves less and it seems every 2nd level is some moves less this is not fair. I know King does test and I know I am on the test group. I know they say they change it about but this is not the case not for me at least. And now this. I have a friend who say's on FB he also has lost the helmets I have not had the candy pets for a few weeks now. My friend also has Windows 10 app and has every thing on the app. If this is a glitch hope king can fix it. I just hope they are not targeting particular players or groups of players I just want to play CCS fair and square some for all player. Thank you again hope to hear from you soon. cheers

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