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Level 3820 problem

rmur23 Posts: 125

How are you supposed to beat level 3820 when the stripes and bombs DONT FALL from the dispensers? Yet more poor quality control.



  • CandyMom
    CandyMom Posts: 121

    Impossible level without multiple tries with the golden helmet of boosters and now they don’t show up at all on laptop. Please correct this, development team!


  • parlady99
    parlady99 Posts: 378

    How can one pass this level when the strips and wraps do not fall from the dispensers?  Also, what happened to the space helmet on the computer?  The development team needs to do some corrections. 

  • parlady99
    parlady99 Posts: 378

    Looks like this level is the end since it is impossible to pass.  Another level that no video will be shown to show how to pass without boosters and more moves and since CC has removed the  space helmet from computers that makes this impossible.  I will go back and play lower levels to stock up on boosters in case level 3820 is every changed so that it is passible.

  • Radiohead
    Radiohead Posts: 9

    Level 2

    It seems that only one stripe/wrap is allowed at any one time in a section, so if there's one lurking in another area, you have to get rid of it before the game allows another one to drop. Impossible to do without boosts or Mort's Helmet.

  • Robert_P
    Robert_P Posts: 13

    Level 2

    All the fun is gone. I can no longer be bothered with all the changes King has made. 

  • Sam_Brown_2
    Sam_Brown_2 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Ridiculous level, have wasted so many boosters in addition to constantly having to re-earn the magic hat, and don’t even get close to winning.  Lowest number To clear maybe was 6, but those 6 jellies had waffles on them in addition to jelly.  I’ve played for years...and this is goodbye I’m afraid. 

  • Cag
    Cag Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Had it with this level, impossible 

  • Michel_Casa
    Michel_Casa Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Niveau impossible à passer pouvez vous corriger svp

  • I do this level with all the boosters and options . J'ai passé ce niveau avec tous les boosters et des options

  • Emmanuel_Alves
    Emmanuel_Alves Posts: 0


    Impossible level without multiple tries with the golden helmet of boosters and now they don’t show up at all on laptop. Please correct this, development team!


    Level 3820 impossible a gagner, pouvez vous rectifier SVP Merci

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