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What’s the point in asking questions on here?? No one ever answers! Candy Crush Level 1303 in 15

Loristokescsr Posts: 2

Level 1

I have 15 moves for level 1303. Others talk about how hard it is with 25 moves!  I’ve asked questions before, never get responses :(


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,547

    Hi Loristokescsr,

    Thank you for posting here in the community. This is the reason why you have less moves:

  • bmush
    bmush Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Copied and pasted from lvl 1297 thread

    Another totally pointless level with moves halved to feed the developers greed. Sort it out or I'm uninstalling.
  • Momcatati
    Momcatati Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I have been trying to get my problem addressed in Kingdom for over a week now.  I am on level 1789 and don't want to have to start the game over, but I am not able to purchase anything--whether when my piggy bank of gold bars is full or there are special treat offers, I get a message that says, "Oops!  Something went wrong!" where the only option is to click "ok".  I am playing on my iPod Touch through iTunes (I guess).  I don't know how to save my game to Kingdom so that I can delete and reinstall the app without losing all of my progress. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?