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A level 2644 is not working. Please, help.

Alex_Zubarev Posts: 19

Level 1

Is there a technical problem with level 2644? Please, help.

Best Answer

  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509
    Answer ✓

    Hi Alex,

    That is one of the very last levels of Soda, so let me start by congratulating you for being one of our very top players out there! That said, can you be more specific regarding the issue you are facing? If you can provide a screenshot, that would make it even easier for us to help you!





  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509
    Answer ✓

    Hi Alex,

    That is one of the very last levels of Soda, so let me start by congratulating you for being one of our very top players out there! That said, can you be more specific regarding the issue you are facing? If you can provide a screenshot, that would make it even easier for us to help you!



  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509

    Hi Alex,

    Happy to help! If you could send me a screenshot like I said we can take a look and help you if possible :-).

    Here is a how in case you need it.



  • Alex_Zubarev
    Alex_Zubarev Posts: 19

    Level 1

    Hi Alex,

    That is one of the very last levels of Soda, so let me start by congratulating you for being one of our very top players out there! That said, can you be more specific regarding the issue you are facing? If you can provide a screenshot, that would make it even easier for us to help you!



    Hi, Xarly. I'm stuck on this level from July. I think the problem is a frog. It froze. Thank for helping me.
  • Alex_Zubarev
    Alex_Zubarev Posts: 19

    Level 1

    Hi Alex,

    Happy to help! If you could send me a screenshot like I said we can take a look and help you if possible :-).

    Here is a how in case you need it.



    Hi! I sent a screenshot. You got it?
  • Alex_Zubarev
    Alex_Zubarev Posts: 19

    Level 1

    Hi, Xarly! I sent a screenshot a four days ago. Did you look at it? Please, answer me. 


  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509

    Hi Alex!

    Sorry but when you leave a comment underneath mine it doesn't send me a notification (we're working on fixing all of this in the near future).

    That said, there are no screenshots in this thread here, where is it that you posted it?

    Apologies for not getting back earlier but I didn't get any notifications sadly!



  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for the screenshot! Are you sure it's 2644? I just tried the level myself and had no issues with it! It looks different than your screenshot so it got me wondering if we are talking about the same level here or not.

    I'll be looking forward to your reply.



  • Alex_Zubarev
    Alex_Zubarev Posts: 19

    Level 1

    Hello, Xarly! I'm 100% sure this is a level 2644. Zoom it, look up, left corner. 

  • Alex_Zubarev
    Alex_Zubarev Posts: 19

    Level 1

    Xarly, I'm playing Candy Crash Saga.

  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509

    I'll pass it on then to my colleague, Cez, who is in charge of that one (you had accidentally tagged Soda as the game).

    Cheers Alex!


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