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Level 3316, how do you pass when there are not enough moves to generate the chocolate needed?

jschirber Posts: 3

Level 1

There is never enough chocolate for the number of moves you have.  I do three or four moves with no chocolate generating???


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi jschirber,

    Thank you for posting here in the community. You can read what Queen Mia wrote about this here:

    If you see videos online showing more moves, this is the reason.  The videos are outdated because the video creators make them when the levels are first released.  The studio monitors all levels when they are released and they check to see how many players clear a specific level and how long it takes for them to clear it.  If it's too easy or too difficult they will "tweak" the levels a bit.  The video creators can't keep up with the studio changes so you are still only seeing the first video release.

  • lisab100
    lisab100 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Did you get through this level. At just 18 moves, you cannot generate enough chocolate. I have been at this for so long but not come close. I actually think it is not possible.
  • Karen_Hetland
    Karen_Hetland Posts: 10

    Level 2

    edited April 2019
    Fix this level! Cannot see how many anything is needed because graphics are too big.  Also, there is never enough chocolate....however many that might be to beat this level, again...I can't see how many are needed..  Irritating!  I don't like to contact support for 2 reasons:  1)  Hopefully another player or many already has contacted for the same reason!....2) I don't want to be an annoyance!  It's not worth me being a nag in order to play this game or any others you provide. 
  • heehawrules
    heehawrules Posts: 60

    Level 3

    Every level can be passed eventually, you just have to keep trying to get a lucky board.

    It gets worse when you are higher levels. There is no difference between regular, hard, and nightmare levels. They are all hard, and need multiple boosters to pass.

    King is evolving the game into a pay to play model, as almost all free games are. The goal is to get you hooked on the game, get you passing enough levels. Eventually you will get stuck, and then one time you will be 1 move away, and you buy the 10 bars so you an pass that annoyingly hard level.

    I used to be a paying customer.

    I am over level 4500. I am currently on a board where unless you get the spawners down in the first 6-7 moves, the game is over. So about 8 minutes and I am done with my lives. Super fun.

    In all seriousness, if you are not willing to pay money for boosters and gold bars, you should find another game. the further you get, the more you need them, and the more King will take away the opportunities because they know you will keep playing.
  • Leanne501
    Leanne501 Posts: 8

    Level 2

    The spawners don’t spawn enough chocolates to ever pass this level! Wasted so many lives and all my boosters! Not cool. 
  • mysterym
    mysterym Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I agree.  I signed on to this to figure out how to get chocolate.  No help!

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