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Level 3871

Unicorn Posts: 9 Level 2

I am now on the level that it seems everyone is stuck on. I got to 420.000 & used everything one of my boostrs I had stocked up on. I can't seem to get passed 180.00 alot. It seems by others you have raised the points making this now impossible. Why are you doing to thus to the biggests fans of your games who have been lovel. I lost 112 of my own boosters & I am not goung to buy boosrters cause that wont even help. Lower the points again & let the gamers play or I will have to delete this game 

with several of my friends I compete with. False advertising on tv saying take a relaxing break. Admit you have put the points level up to high & lower it please

thanxs. Unicorn


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