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Level 2341 - a boring joke.

Why do you continue to treat your loyal players with such garbage? Do you not understand how a level that relies on 100% luck as to what comes out of a ticked piece is a total frigging nonsense? Each level is now solely based on getting a lucky board. It is zero fun. Just a dull exercise in tediously making pointless moves until the game allows you through. A test of a player's patience and nothing else. You call that entertainment and fun? 

2,341 levels, and it is so dull now. No innovative ideas. Nothing original. Just add a few blockers, reduce a player's moves and call it "hard". Reduce the moves even more, and call it "super hard". Why not reduce it to one move per game and call it "go and play something else and don't waste your time bothering with this garbage"? I really wish King would just end the game. Reach a certain level and call it quits. Let players reach the final level and then go off to play something a little more fun than this tedium. Each level now becomes a bigger crock of sh*t than the previous one - and one thing is for cannot polish a turd.


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
    Hi @Mark_Adcock, thank you for posting here in the community.  I can totally empathize with your thoughts on this game.  All these higher levels require boosters.  

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?