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New level type

Did anyone notice new level type? 😱


  • sniper4984
    sniper4984 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Add me please sniper4984
  • SpacePhoenix
    SpacePhoenix Posts: 57

    Level 3

    They've been around for a few weeks now. Don't know if they're literally new replacement levels or if King just went through all the "Super Hard" levels and re-classified some as "Nightmarishly Hard Levels"
  • Hey @SpacePhoenix I noticed it yesterday. And it was not that nightmarishly hard to be honest but I was just surprised to se new label. Have a great weekend 😊
  • Joseph45
    Joseph45 Posts: 1,582
    It’s like the levels are asking for death πŸ˜‚Β 
  • Yeah, I am expecting something like deadly hard level lol @Joseph45

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?