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Why does my Level 783 only give 17 moves, when Suzy Fuller's uTube version gives 35 moves?

Susan1162 Posts: 2 Newbie
I'm attempting Level 783, which is giving me 17 moves to complete the level...which is not enough moves.  So I checked in with Suzy Fuller's uTube tutorial, and her 783 Level is giving 35 moves to complete the level.  Can you please assist?  Thank you.  Susan

Best Answer

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,885 Sweet Legend
    Answer ✓
    Hi @Susan1162, you are now in the Candy Crush Saga community.  I am going to tag @Cezdiamond who is the Community Manager here.  I think this level was discussed in the past and might have been reported for a fix.  Hopefully when she sees this message she can find out more about it and let both of us know.


  • Joseph45
    Joseph45 Posts: 1,582 Level 5
    Welcome @Susan1162 to our amazing community! Sometimes the number of moves may appear different in the actual level than they are in an old YouTube video due to changes that King makes to their levels on certain occasions. These changes occur because sometimes King may believe that a certain level or levels is/are too hard or too easy, so they need to adjust to the amount to the extent that the levels or level is/are neither. I hope this answers your question! 
  • Susan1162
    Susan1162 Posts: 2 Newbie
    No, it doesn’t answer my question specifically regarding Level 783 at all. I would suggest that you try the level in 17 moves, and then respond. 
    Thank you.

  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,979 Community Manager
    Hi @Susan1162 and welcome to our Community.

    I believe your question is regarding Candy Crush and not Candy Crush Friends, is that correct? I'll move your thread there so other players can explain further but what @Joseph45 said is correct:

    Sometimes, we do changes to adapt and improve the gameplay and experience. This means there can be minor variations (including the number of moves) between a version and another or between players. So when comparing gameplay to YouTube or another player, we recommend looking at it for tips on which part of the level to focus on and how best to solve any puzzles or challenges.  Checking and copying the overall tactics gives the clues to beat the level and usually leads to sweet success!

    This level can be done and I'm sure other players will be able to give you some great tips!

    Good luck :star:
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,885 Sweet Legend
    Answer ✓
    Hi @Susan1162, you are now in the Candy Crush Saga community.  I am going to tag @Cezdiamond who is the Community Manager here.  I think this level was discussed in the past and might have been reported for a fix.  Hopefully when she sees this message she can find out more about it and let both of us know.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?