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Not giving earned rewards.

drichart1 Posts: 2

Level 1


  • I am having the same problem,, hope they fixnit
  • hi @drichart1You do not have any boosters so you can not use it. If you save more sugar drops then some boosters will be stored
  • drichart1
    drichart1 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    hi @drichart1You do not have any boosters so you can not use it. If you save more sugar drops then some boosters will be stored
    I’m not asking about using boosters.  Look at the picture.  I’ve collected 157/60 and it is not giving me new boosters. 
  • pantsy81
    pantsy81 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I am having the same problem as all of you. Does anybody know how to fix the problem or do I have to wait until there is another app update?
  • @pantsy81If you play any sugar level then it will be okay. play level 128 and collect 1 sugar and give me feedback if you not received boosters ..
  • Reedross
    Reedross Posts: 25

    Level 3

    Same problem 
  • hi @ReedrossThe amount of such drop-down savings is due to the fact that the Internet did not play during the game or their games are not fully connected to Facebook. If this condition is the same then log out the game and then log in again
  • Already did that,, same results,, hate this,, no one answers
  • White
    White Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Same issue here..still not fixed
  • Emilyk66
    Emilyk66 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    My iPad stopped accruing boosters(?). The bombs, candy wrappers, etc… it also will not allow me access to my gold bars even though it’s full. It used to work fine but suddenly stopped working.

    How can this be fixed? Also I signed in using my Apple ID as I also play on an Android tablet under my email but when I went to sign into the community I had to use my tablet password.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?