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(Unsupported Language) Level 4321

ThierryMaiden Posts: 115
edited February 2019 in Level Help & Tips
Bonjour, celà fait 3 jours que je suis sur le niveau 4321 - Hello, I'm on the level 4321 since 3 days - J'ai fait beaucoup de fois ce niveau - I do a lot of times this level - j'ai atteint les réglisses une seul fois - I touch the licorice only one time . je pense qu'il faut changer quelque chose - I think that it must change something - les couches de gateau sont trop épaisses pour gagner . The layers of cake are too thick to win - Ou alors il faut rajouter des mouvements - Or the game can give us more mooves -


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546

    For now, the King Community is only available in English, so we encourage you to remain with that language. You can use online translators if your English is not good enough but please refrain from posting in any other language.  This message is being closed out so I suggest that you start a new message in English.   A second option is that you can complete the contact form from this link:

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