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bearwithme Posts: 16,135 Candy Moderator
i just received a chance for stickers for the first time. It appears I have to win a level first time 6 days in a row. What is the prize?  Normally I complete the new episodes as soon as they are released but this time I have left 5 levels so I can complete one each day. Is the prize worth the wait?


  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,932 Crushing Legend
    hi @bearwithmeYou are warmly welcomed in the community.I understand your statement, yes this is new event & not available for everyone at this time. Store one sticker every day, the event is complete with 6 stickers. You'll find the rewards at the end of the event. Surely there will be something like lollipop, switch hand. 
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,135 Candy Moderator
    Thank you for the information. I will patiently attempt to get a sticker 6 days in a row. 
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,135 Candy Moderator
    More questions about the stickers. You have to win a level 6 days in a row. Does it have to be a new level each day or can you replay an old level? Does it have to be the first level you play (and win) on each of the six days? Just want to make sure I understand all the rules so I don’t ruin my chance to win the prize. 
  • SagaR
    SagaR Posts: 187 Level 3
    More questions about the stickers. You have to win a level 6 days in a row. Does it have to be a new level each day or can you replay an old level? Does it have to be the first level you play (and win) on each of the six days? Just want to make sure I understand all the rules so I don’t ruin my chance to win the prize. 
    It has to be a new level each day, it unfortunately cannot be a level you've played before. Which means it takes me about six weeks to get the prize. :-) I play on iPad and I'm currently at 4460 which means I only get new levels once a week, on Wednesdays. I got 30 new levels last Wednesday and got a sticker with the first new level I played. I then  told myself that I would save just a couple of levels for the next day so I would get another sticker (I'm only missing one to get the prize). However the lure of the game proved too hard to resist (again) so I went through all levels in one evening. I'm hoping to do better next Wednesday. :-)
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,135 Candy Moderator
    @SagaR Thank you for the information. I also am in the same situation but I stopped befoe completing the last 5 levels so tomorrow I should get the last sticker (at 4460) and I’ll see what the prize is. I hope it is worth the wait. 
  • pvalla2
    pvalla2 Posts: 50 Level 3
    edited April 2019

    I'm at level 4549. I understand how the stickers are suppose to work. I save a new level for each day until the next Wednesday when I typically receive 30 new levels. I do this so that I can get a sticker each day and receive boosters at the end of 6 days. My issue is that there have been multiple times when I have played and passed a new level, but I didn't receive a sticker. Is there a timing issue? For example if I got a sticker at 1 pm yesterday, does that mean that I can't get another sticker until after 1 pm today. If I played a new level today at 10 am, will I receive a sticker?

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,135 Candy Moderator

    @pvalla2 - I’m not sure about the timing. I figured you start on a Wednesday and then make sure u save a level so u can win one six days in a row. However one time it didn’t acknowledge my win one day so I thought I wouldn’t get the boosters but instead the stickers remained and I was able to finish the six days when I got the new levels on Wednesday.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?