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Problem with lucky beans

bearwithme Posts: 16,933
i am just wondering why the last two times lucky beans has shown up  (including today) that when I go to play it - it thinks I’ve already had my free play and wants 10 gold bars to play again - when I haven’t played it once yet. 


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi @bearwithme, you aren't having any luck lately are you?  So you clicked to try it but when it opened it's asking you to pay?  How many hours are showing when you open it.  I just did a print screen showing that I have 23 hours left before I get to try for free again.  What is yours showing?

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,933
    Actually- now I was able to play it. I play on several platforms but my mini IPad is my favorite. So when I ‘opened’ the lucky beans on my mini it said come back or pay 10 gold bars. However on my phone it was available (but I didn’t play it). So then I went back to my mini IPad and was able to play it. I guess it was a temporary glitch, but it did happen to me last time I had the opportunity to play. Fingers crossed it doesn’t happen again next time. Appreciate the offer of help Elsa. Thanks. 😊
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
  • subhashree
    subhashree Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Why am nt getting lucky beans in my boosters board.. 
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,933
    Hello @subhashree - Unfortunately not everyone has access to the same events or features.  The studio believes that the most important way to learn about whether and how the players enjoy different features and events they make for them is to do what they call AB tests. By giving some players a particular event/feature, and others another event, or maybe no event at all, they can compare the data from those different groups and learn how appealing and fun different elements of the game are. This is how they make sure that they only give their players what they really enjoy.

    In this case that means you do not have the 'lucky beans' in your game right now while some other players do, but  you may have a feature other players don't.  Also don't be surprised if the Lucky Beans reappears in your game sometime in the future.
  • satnam
    satnam Posts: 848
    edited December 2019
    As I said so many times it's unfair for some players who are unable to enjoy these kinda interesting events because of testes. We are playing game because of interesting levels and fun events and features not to satisfy anyone's testes or surveys. I don't know why they don't understand that those players who are not receiving these kinda things and then they see pics of others about these kinda events or features. How painful it is. We can understand events, contests tests once, twice, thrice but not everytime. Once again It's my humble request to CCS plz provide fair atmosphere on the game. I really love this game because it was very enjoyable but now they encourage me to stop playing CCS game because of their decisions and actions. I was very happy whenever I play this game but now I am always frustrated and sad because of game's issues and unfair decisions. Not only not receiving these events but also lost all my boosters etc... If you want to see than you can see here ( ) Without any mistake I lost my boosters. My app is always updated. Now I don't want that they give back my boosters I just want plz tell me reasonable reason for this. But no one has responded yet. Many times I thought plz stop playing the game but as I said I love this game so I couldn't but you never know. If they are not able to understand my situation then I have to think about deleting game. After that you will lose one of the best top players. 😔 And also I will also lose one of the best games .☹️Although after so many years I didn't get even once jackpot. But now it doesn't matter because I am used to. I don't want to delete the game forever plz plz plz do something about it. I know you all are very busy and harder worker but It's not ignorance thing. I am not complaining to community's awesome superstars and members. It's for CCS team. Super stars always ready to help and ready to solve everyone problems. I love you guys but I hope you will understand what is going on me. That's why I was not active in the community for two weeks. Please please do something it's very serious matter for me. #Disappointment level high 😞😭

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