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Build A Bot discusssion should still be live after your latest announcement!

LilacMaya Posts: 6 Level 2

The changes to BuildABot have now lost so many players. I have never previously felt the need to comment on the game but with the confirmation that we can no longer use this to achieve three stars in levels played and are penalised by only using it on future games alas my time is done.

I quit this game once before and now there is no incentive to play with increasingly lower moves, ongoing changes and a pay to play mentality that does not reward players.

Your decision on buildA Bot has been publsihed King and it says tough luck to all the palyers, that you ignore our requests for game improvements and regardless how we feel and suggest improvements unless we spend money our opinion means nothing.

Very disspaointed but I should have quit when I reached 3000. There is now no fun in playing any more if you continue to disregard our wishes as players as using it only on futrue levels means we can no longer improve scores and must now wait days to complete levels which is truly tedious.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?