I have problems with the build a bot function. I'm losing the bot constantly. I spent a lot of boosters to get the bot to a maximum level and all of a sudden it's completely down to zero. Sometimes after losing a level, other times even after winning. Had a full but on friday, all of a sudden it was completely gone. So spent another incredible amount of boosters and got the full function back on sunday. After a few levels, bam completely back to nothing again. Sent a support question but no reply whatsoever. Tried again just now, had my bot on level 3 again. After that I lost a level and it was completely gone again. If this is a way to make me loose all my boosters, not going to take the bite! And this weekend is not the first time it happened. Fix this or allow players to return to lower levels to recover the bot. I'm not going to keep spending boosters on this. And it's no fun to play this game anymore. Is it supposed to be for fun or for just to cause frustration!