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Dani13 Posts: 2

Level 1

Da entrambi i miei dispositivi di gioco è sparito il caramellometro. penso si tratti di un malfunzionamento del gioco poichè continuano ad arrivarmi le notifiche per "tornare a far crescere il caramellometro".
c'è qualcosa che posso fare io?


  • Khaos
    Khaos Posts: 523
    Are you playing candy crush saga? I have never heard of the caramellometer. If you are playing a different game, scroll to the top of the forum and select games to go to the correct forum.
  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104
    Hi @Dani13 and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 We use only English language here so we can understand each other better and provide more help. I will ask you kindly to make a new post in English and we will do our best to help you. You can use a translator if necessary. This thread will be closed now. Thank you for your understanding. Have a wonderful day 🤗
This discussion has been closed.

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