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Level 2763 - Another unscrupulous level from King

No point in playing this garbage really - it is just the same tedious process every level ie. no skill, no fun. Just make a move and hope the game lets you pass. You call that entertaining? Level 2763 is nonsense. Blockers, licorice, locked squares. No space, and just a handful of moves. Pointless even bothering. 

Give the dev a huge pat on the back for coming up with this preposterous heap of dung. Just another con, another level that borders on impossible, unless you part with your cash - which I refuse to do. Why anyone gives you money is beyond me. Why pay for something with zero reward? Why pay for a booster to help you clear a level, only to get stuck on the next and the next?

The fraudulent nature of boosters? Unless you can place it yourself, the game inevitably puts it in a useless position, or just forces you to use it with no benefit.

CC is a pointless exercise in utter tedium. 4,000+ levels of sheer unadulterated monotony. The same old crap over and over and over. King think that the levels are made fun and challenging. LMFAO!!! Yeah, sure. The ONLY challenge whilst playing this tripe is managing to stay awake...


  • RegalRenz
    RegalRenz Posts: 8,495
    Hello @Mark_Adcock I'm sorry that you feel that way. If Candy Crush isn't to your liking, King has several other sweet games that you can try. 
  • Mark_Adcock
    Mark_Adcock Posts: 119
    Several other games where a rigged computer program decides whether you win or not? Several other games that do not rely on a player's skill in any way whatsoever?  Several other games where a player just clicks and hopes that the rigged program is kind to him?

    No thanks - I'd rather eat my own eyeballs.

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