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  • candycrushinit
    candycrushinit Posts: 12,603

    Was I superior to anyone?

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,582

    ok this is not part of the game but I have read and read and I still don’t know how to get points. I comment a lot but that does not give many points. So I am missing something.

    * was this ok to ask

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271
    edited April 2020

    Anyone can earn points.

    (The fastest way is to help people who post in support and have them accept your answers, but expect some stiff competition. The community is treated like a whole new game in itself. Inane posting used to earn points, but the threat of people coming from behind sort of took care of that and it was removed, so you have no chance of getting up the leaderboard if that's what you're after.)

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
    edited April 2020

    anyone but definitely not me

    (@johamilton points from what i gather and im on 824 points is that its 2 points if you answer a somebody needs help question and 10 if they mark it as answered. not really on comments. althought still think you get points for your discussions and also obviously for different badges you get) hope that helps

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,582

    me thinks, will just coast then!

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271

    then re-read with links


  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,582

    Links, don't know how, or why 🤣🤔

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    links good source of information.

    (@johamilton yep its as @Bumper2019 said. Its a game in itself as everyone trying to get to them posts to answer to try and amass points. Make it really hard for you, im only on hear as no work on lockdown so thought have a go at legend status as game become a trial and tribulation., but harder than i expected. ) but getting there at my own pace.

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271
    edited April 2020

    information can sometimes be useless

    (but add my points to Flanje's = Legend lol)

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,582

    Information is good, thank you all

    @Freddy_Falkner , you are doing GREAT!

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