Two weeks ago my space race got reset 3 times within a week (I'm happy I'm not a paying customer when this happens!). Since then I haven't seen any ads with free boosters, rolls etc. Game is updated (android).
First. I mixed up the Space Race and the Build a Bot (BaB) challenge. I haven't seen the space race for a few months now.
But yes. You're right. I know we're all in different so-called test groups. But King are experts in delivering the oddest user experience. Ever. I never know what has happened to the game when I open it tomorrow. And I'm not warned...
When the space race was replaced with BaB I couldn't build up my boosters by redoing old levels. This made it quite hard for me and everybody else to make progress and I used a big portion of saved boosters for it. At that time I decided to stop playing CC the day I ran out of boosters. That never happened though.
Now I can build up my BaB by redoing old levels. But now I also don't get any ads. Well. I'm just ~150 levels from 5000 and then I'm done with this game anyway. Probably.