Please help! I've uses boosters (all 3 at once a few times), extra moves and everything else I could think of. I literally cannot get 100 orange candies! Any help/tips will be greatly appreciated!
Ok, @toyprincess, I played the level and got three stars on my first try. I would recommend using a color bomb and the striped and wrapped booster to start the level. The lucky candy won't be very useful because you already have orange candies coming down onto the board. Now you can do one of two things. You can enter and exit the level until you get your color bomb beside your wrapped candy. Matching these together will give you an explosion that will collect a decent amount of orange candies, but also bring down a lot more from the top. Never take your color bomb to an orange candy in this level unless it would win the level for you. It will destroy all the orange candies on the board, but very few orange candies will come down, making it very hard to collect more orange candies. Another thing you can do is wait to use your color bomb until an urgent situation. If you have a candy bomb that is about to explode, it will be much easier to remove with the color bomb. It's like using your color bomb as a safety net instead of a plan of attack. I hope this helps! P.S. If this answered your question, please press the "yes" button on this post when it asks "Did this answer the question?"