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sending lives

mel21 Posts: 202
Tying to send lives to other players.  It wont let you.  Can someone answer why not 


  • PlatonicSolid
    PlatonicSolid Posts: 41

    Level 3

    The whole sending lives banner is completely gone for me. It was there yesterday.
  • mel21
    mel21 Posts: 202
    I have not received extra lives nor been able to send extra lives to other people for a couple of days now 
  • Jacinjimtennyson
    Jacinjimtennyson Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Can't send lives to lower levels. Sending lives banner is gone! Please fix
  • mel21
    mel21 Posts: 202
    I sent a message to Elsa from the King community saturday and had a message back off her to say that King knows about the problem.  Thats all I know.   Elsa is one of the superstars as King calls it.  If you want to know more might be better if you send Elsa a message.  She is a very helpful person.  
  • rellie
    rellie Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I don’t have the banner for sending lives any more, has this been fixed yet, so frustrating 
  • mel21
    mel21 Posts: 202
    I cant send or receive lives either.  I messaged Elsa one of superstars on king community saturday and I was told by her that 
    King knows about the problem.  So i dont know anymore.  It is so frustrating.   MIght be better if you message Elsa direct.  She is a very helpful person 
  • bertonejcal
    bertonejcal Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I’m in the same boat - no more friends banner to send lives on my mobil devise. I can still receive lives. Also cant play on firefox 

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