1. The new timed candy drops are ridiculous. Why would I play to get boosters for 30 minutes? How does that help me? I have gotten to the end of Candy Crush over 50 times.
2. Create some way for players to go back to boards where they have achieved one or two stars. I should be able to go to a screen that has a list of those boards and I can click on say level 1356 and go and play that board to try and get that third star. Instead, I have to swipe 43 times to get there! Additionally, to send lives to my friends whom I have left behind, I need to swipe over 40 times to get to boards where my friends have stopped! My wrist needs ice afterwards!
3. Speaking of three stars, there are a number of impossible three star goals for levels that need to be reexamine. I am not going to scroll down and try and identify them now...my wrist is killing me... but some of the boards I can manage scores in the 15,000 range and the three star goal is 100 million. Stupid.
4. You have a leader board for this discussion board but nothing for the game? I am only measured against my friends, not worldwide. Who has the most stars? I know I am finished the game and no one is ahead of me in levels...it would be nice to see how I stack up starwise.
Restore the candy drops back to the way it was. Otherwise, I am not playing until new boards come out. You want to INCREASE traffic and time on the game. Knock off this timed nonsense.