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Windows 10: Fix For Candy Crush Saga Malfunctioning App

mercerik Posts: 3,617
edited June 2019 in Discussions
Before you proceed with the Steps Below, please Uninstall your Candy Crush Saga App Completely and Restart your Computer.

I want you to do 3 things: #1 Go to Windows 10 Settings ➡️ Click On Update & Security ➡️  If your Operating System is current, under Windows Update, it will tell you "You're Up-To-Date" just like in the ScreenShot I provided here:

If not, click Check for Updates and wait until it is done. It will tell you to restart once it is. If you set Automatic Updates on Settings, clicking the time when your computer is idle, it will do it automatically for you. You can just set and forget it. 
Make sure Windows 10 Settings is closed before proceeding to the next step.

#2 Open your Google Chrome Browser ➡️ On the Upper Right Hand Corner of your Browser, click on the 3 Dots ➡️ Go down on Help ➡️ Move your Mouse to the Left of Help and click on About Google Chrome ➡️ It will take you to About Chrome on Settings ➡️ If your Browser is NOT Updated, it will Update Automatically ➡️ When Done, it will say ⬇️
                                                                                  Google Chrome is up to date
                                                                         Version 75.0.3770.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)
                                                                 as of 06/16/2019. It you Update passed this date it will be
                                                                different of course since Google Updates Chrome frequently.

#3 Go to the Microsoft Store. Download & Install the Candy Crush Saga App.. 

If you maintain your computer from these procedures, your Candy Crush Saga Experience will be awesome, just like mine. You can save this procedures and get into a habit of updating your Operating System and your Browser.

Hope all these answer your lingering question!



Note: I posted this here so I can refer to this to help players with this issue in the future. Hopefully, anyone who has this problem will refer to this and take action.

For Additional Information on Windows 10 Upgrade, please check these links below:  

Upgrade to Windows 10:FAQ


  • StewInArizona
    StewInArizona Posts: 18

    Level 2

    Did this - 3 times now

    Problem is - CCS does not recognize my mouse clicks most of the time.

    I have to wait, click, wait - maybe it highlights the box maybe not.

    I have Win 10 x64 pc with 16gm RAM - all upgraded.

    ALL apps work great - internet speed test is as expected at

    Gets frustrating - should be able to click, highlight, choose and have it work but it does NOT do this reliably.

    Eventually - sometimes 2, 3 or 5 clicks will get your attention.

    What else can I try/do about this?


    Just now - clicking on Post Comment button did NOTHING.

    I'll go click it a dozen times and see if this gets posted.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?