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How can I block or stop the player ZORK from asking me to send lives over and over again everday!!



  • sgoff61
    sgoff61 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    Are you playing through the kingdom or Facebook? The only way I know of how to remove people other than as Pummy said, but that won't work if you are not friends. But if you are playing through Facebook you CAN block them if you can find them (even if not friends) and then they won't show. If you are playing through the kingdom this is how you check your friends list. 

    Thank you, but I have a question.  I have the exact same problem as the original poster (and I don't and won't play on Facebook), but he/she is not a "favorite" friend.  In fact, I have no favorite friends at all.  The person that I'm having a problem with only appears in the list of randomly assigned friends below the favorite friends link, and there appears to be no option to edit that list.  Beside each name on the list is a link to report the player (but that's only to report their name or avatar) and a link to add them to my favorite friends list.  So is my understanding correct that there is absolutely nothing I can do about this one extremely annoying player?
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,407
    Hi @sgoff61 what happens when you report the player? I think unfortunately its the same still that at this point you can't. You can of course raise a suggestion in a new thread and share the thread among your friends to get their opinion on it. While it may not be possible at this time to block a player, if enough players ask, sometimes they will find a way to do things :) 
  • sgoff61
    sgoff61 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    Hi @sgoff61 what happens when you report the player?
    Since the only reasons available for reporting are the player's name or avatar, I haven't even tried.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?