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How can i get to the top of leaderboards

John_Sanders Posts: 147 Level 3
How can i get to the top of leaderboards when i have completed all available levels between that and the fantastic five thing not working i cannot win any extra bonuses seems like players are being punished for completing all the levels 

Best Answer


  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741 Level 5
    Hello, @John_Sanders! If you've completed the latest levels, you should be at the top of the current level leaderboard with your friends that have also completed the latest level. Unfortunately, with very few levels, it isn't likely that you'll be at the top of the leaderboard for levels completed in a week. Since you are so far in the game, you should also have a very high rank for the leaderboard. Points, stars, and completed levels will help raise your rank. I hope I've answered your question!
  • John_Sanders
    John_Sanders Posts: 147 Level 3
    It is more the bonuses you get for helping your the person on dynamic duo we are on level 17 but will lose that because we will run out of time 
  • Pdao
    Pdao Posts: 1 Newbie
    Answer ✓
  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741 Level 5
    @John_Sanders, you can always switch your partner if you want to. @Pdao, we only use English in this community. If you could translate your post, it would be very much appreciated!

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