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Lack of boosters

SomeotherMek Posts: 1 Newbie
Why am I not getting almost any boosters at this point (level 2456). Not until last week. Have you noticed the same? Is It a new update or has it something to do with Facebook or Huawei? No more pre level extra boosters (the purple extra button) or after level "spins" when you fail to pass it, even though the account is linked to facebook. I mean what's the point to link it with facebook, if you get no extra benefits anymore. I have many collected boosters, but I won't use them and I quit playing right now. Those boosters were critical. But I get it, you want people to pay. Sorry if I sound angry, but you shouldn't allure people to link the account with Facebook in hope (promise) of boosters, if you are cutting them off at some point. Now there are only the normal boosters left I would get without Facebook. Thank you anyway. 


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