I still find the Champions Race UNFAIR & UNJUST. Why?
For a Competition to be fair and square, each participant should
start with ZERO POINTS. This time I was entered last Sunday
afternoon shortly after the last one ended. Again, just like the
one that just ended, the Top position had 26 wins to his name
while the other 2 had 16 or so. My score of 68 wins was reset
to ZERO when I was entered. Why is that? It is like being
Over The Top Underdog. The Levels I am currently in are
extremely hard to beat even with 2 Color Bombs to start
with. How can you trust a competition when all you see is
unfairness Week after Week. I am totally frustrated with
this Competition which is why I am sharing this here.
With how this is going, I don't think I will be in the Top 3
after today. This awful!