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All boosters erased

jayejaee Posts: 2 Newbie
All of my boosters have disappeared this morning. Yesterday my internet was not working properly and it was glitching. My candy crush was saying that I had like a thousand boosters. Well then this morning it says I have zero of everything! And my space dash is gone. Im so upset 


  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,137 Candy Moderator
    Hello @jayejaee and welcome to our wonderful community!  You shouldn't have lost your boosters because of faulty internet.   Some things you can do to see if you get your boosters back include clearing your cache, ensuring you have the latest software update and doing a hard reboot afterwards.  Your boosters reside locally on the platform you are playing on so hopefully your glitch didn't wipe them from its memory.

    As far as Space Dash goes - I don't have it this morning either.  We should be getting Build a Bot sometime today but there currently is a gap between them.  This happened about a month ago also.
  • jayejaee
    jayejaee Posts: 2 Newbie
    Thank you for responding. I’ve tried all of this before posting a question. I think where I messed up is that I undownloaded the app and reinstalled it because I thought it was the app messing up, but it was really just my internet. Idk if this is the case, but that’s all that I can think of lol. I am working with customer service now. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?