Is there anyone out there who has completed L5258 without any boosts?
The puzzle asks you to clear 73 jellies and drop 4 cherries. However 44 are double layered, 13 are under chocolate - 5 of which are 3 layers, and 16 are under squares with 5 layers, so all in all over 200 things to remove. In 25 moves. Not including the mystery sweets, the first few of which generally turn to bombs, chocolate or layered squares.
I chucked a load of boosts at it to get past it, but have gone back to see if I can do without any boosts. Even when the game says I have 9 jellies left, what I actually have is 9 jellies under 4 or 5 layers. I can't even get close to completing. Has anyone got any strategies I could try?