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Candy Crush Saga Level 5362



  • SagaR
    SagaR Posts: 187
    On my iPad I still have the clitch, the licorice just keeps going endlessly and what’s more I cannot even exit the level! So what do I do now? 

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,943
    I too thought it was a glitch and after having endless licorice cascades for three different times I went on line to a blog I sometime use and saw the warning NOT to use a double CB combo and to get the keys as soon as possible and to ensure I didn't destroy the yellow candies because matching them would collect the cherries.  Once I read that - I had no problem passing the level.  It is rated a hard level and even though I have never seen an endless cascade as part of a level on purpose I can only assume that in this case it is and is what makes the level a hard one.

    @SagaR - I suggest you turn off your Ipad and then turn it back on. I ended up having to do that myself. That should cause the game to clear so you can replay the level.
  • SagaR
    SagaR Posts: 187
    @bearwithme - I eventually had to do that. Of course, my spaceship was returned to zero. I would be very surprised if the endless cascade problem is intentional to make it a hard level. If it is, it’s utterly unfair because when you start the level, there is absolutely no way to tell that a colour bomb + colour bomb combo will result in such a situation.
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,943
    I agree, however I have failed one or two other levels in the past starting out that way (for example the double CB made it so I couldn’t complete the level). The reason why I think it may be intentional is because the cascade happened in a different location the third time I played it. We’ll see what @Jelly Jenny says. 
  • Hi @bearwithme and @SagaR

    The issue with level 5362 is not resolved yet but in the meantime the level can be completed normally if you do not use any Lollipop Hammers, but simply match the Wrapped Candies with the Yellow Candies at the bottom part of the board.

    I hope that helps you to pass it! 
  • elmoizatabani
    elmoizatabani Posts: 1

    Level 1

    How can i reback my hundreds of inventors i lost 

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