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How do I get back Gold Bars that I didn't want to spend

Zarz1819 Posts: 4 Newbie
I was playing the game and I ran out of moves. There was still a lot of blocks to go. I went to hit give up and somehow it took my gold bars. It seems like there would be an "are you sure" before you take my gold bars. I just lost 10 for 5 extra plays on a board that was impossible to beat in that many moves. No way I would have done that intentionally. Can someone give them back. We purchase and win these. There should be a two-step process before taking gold bars.


  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 29,448 Crushing Legend
    Welcome to the community.

    It is really terrible when you lose the hard earned gold bars. I have never seen any of them disappear in nearly 5 years, but I've often happened to click on, rather than quit, and wasted 10 gold bars. I would also find it much better if there was an additional click needed to use the gold bars.
    Unfortunately, I can not give you the missing gold bars. Maybe a superstar or community manager who could help you.

  • Zarz1819
    Zarz1819 Posts: 4 Newbie
    Thank you. How do I get their attention? I'm new here.  

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