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greatname77 Posts: 5

Level 1

Why has messages disappeared- is it only me - King is not good at letting us what is happening and although on level 4500 now am really getting fed up, they are too keen to take prizes away. I have decided I am NOT going to spend any more money now and just use my Gifts when they come and to be patiant for a good board. If they have a message board, why on can’t they message us to let us know what they are doing?  


  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 30,254

    Welcome in the Community !

    Since there are millions of players, and the various competitions usually take place in limited groups for testing purposes, it is difficult to inform the affected persons. If you look around the community, you will learn a lot.

    But I'm telling you, the information could be better.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?