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FED UP not being able to move to the next level for almost 2 months.

brynriley1 Posts: 6

Level 1

I have sent out the notices to get 3 friends to help me move on. NONE are receiving them and I am NOT getting any to be able to help
other friends.  Then when you send CCS an email it over and over and over again for almost 2 months, the game suddenly has nothing
but coding throughout it. Weeks later, and many more emails from them asking HOW DID WE DO, they fix the coding and still have the
same issue. FED UP with getting ZERO help, just the How are we doing nonsense. NOT DOING GOOD AT ALL and others have the same
problem as me.  The coding comes and goes  but they do nothing to fix the problem their game has.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?