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Sugar Drop Rewards

Beatty1921 Posts: 2 Newbie
edited November 2019 in Support
I am on level 900, the last several games aren't giving me my sugar drop rewards. Why?


  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,132 Candy Moderator
    Hello @Beatty1921 and welcome to our wonderful community.  I have seen this same statement from another player and I am not sure if it is a glitch or not but I will elevate it to the Community Managers.  First I need to check something - are you still able to collect the sugar drops and you see the number collected increase - but at the various milestone you don't receive any rewards?  Are you connected to the internet?  Sometimes if you don't have a strong and steady signal with the internet you won't get any rewards until you reconnect.

    Anyway - please let me know and in the meantime I will elevate this problem.  Thank you.
  • CaliDiva916
    CaliDiva916 Posts: 5 Level 2
    I am not able to make my MILESTONE GOODIES purchase. I am able to make other purchases just not the milestone purchases
  • Beatty1921
    Beatty1921 Posts: 2 Newbie
    edited December 2019
    It may have been a slow internet because recently I have received them

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