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Friends missing in Leader Board

Ney811 Posts: 1 Newbie
I can't see some of my friends in "Current Level" Leader Board after I changed my mobile device (Android). Previously I was ranked at #8, and currently i am ranking #3 when using my new phone. 5 friends were missing in the Leader Board. I tried to uninstall the apps and reinstall again, it's still the same.
Note: The friends are still here at "Rank" and "Level this week". Only "Current level" is not updated. 


  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,130 Candy Moderator
    Hello @Ney811 and welcome to our friendly community.  I know this can be a bit frustrating and I have experienced something similar in the past.l  I believe it is a temporary glitch with Facebook (if you are saving your progress by playing via Facebook).  You can make sure you have the latest version of the app and have cleared your cache - but you mentioned that you had actually uninstalled and reinstalled the app (which is usually the course of last resort) and it still is a problem.  

    I suggest you keep playing and enjoying the game as you usually do and hopefully it will clear itself up in a few days.  That's what happened when one of my friends - who plays regularly like I do all of a sudden disappeared from the game (and the current level - even though I know she was still playing it) then magically reappeared several days later.

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