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Christmas stockung

WooWoo65 Posts: 47 Level 2
I’ve lost the Christmas stocking and the daily spin 


  • JethrinaBodina
    JethrinaBodina Posts: 784 Level 5
    WooWoo65 said:
    I’ve lost the Christmas stocking and the daily spin 
    Welcome to the kingdom, where randomly cruel acts of "gamicide" occur at the whim and whistle of the mad King. 
    You are expected to be grateful for the FREE time with them that was bestowed upon you. You are expected to accept your fate, pay your toll to the candy trolls, and PAY to play a game that is FREE.
    Should you choose to pay to play the boosters you choose before entering a level will:
    Revert back to being the property of the King
    Land on the gameboard wherever the King so chooses
    Be rendered useless and as such, wasted, lost to the candy trolls
    Not be applicable to the levels on which you need them the most

    "It's good to be the King"  mwaaahh-aahh-aaahhh-aaaahhhh

  • PlayNow
    PlayNow Posts: 29 Level 2
    I knew you were a scammer! Now I have proof!
  • JethrinaBodina
    JethrinaBodina Posts: 784 Level 5
    I speak only the truth
    The King giveth, the King taketh away
    "Off with their heads!"
    (I see that one in my crystal ball)

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