Hello @danielguia and welcome to our wonderful community. The studio posted a fix around 6 pm Central European time on 9 Jan. If you still have a problem can you please tell me the make and model of what you are playing on and the software version? Also can you please tell me whether you used any boosters to help collect the keys (for example hammers)? I need this information to hlp the studio find out what the problem may be so it can be fixed. Also I will need your player ID#. "Find Game ID Number"
I played it on an IOS mobile device (mini iPad 4) and used hammers to collect the keys, and was able to complete the level two days ago.
Hello @Aqui - can you and @danielguia please let me know what make and model platform (PC or mobile) you are playing on and the software version as well as your user ID? The fix the studio came up with was for a different level. So I need this information so the studio can figure out what the problem is. By the way - did either of you use the lollipop hammer to try and collect the keys?
Hi @bearwithme! I wrote to you earlier today and gave you the info about my phone! Obviously, the problem is the same and despite hitting the keys, the chest don't open and the fruits don't stop! What's wrong with level 6136? Can it be fixed at all!? It's so annoying to be stuck and it's not your problem :-(
Hi @sissyk - the studio is definitely investigating it. Did you use any hammers to collect any of the keys. The studio needs to know - it has to do with their investigation. Also do you have your player ID#? You can find out how to get it by clicking on the following link: "Find Game ID Number"
Thank you so much, @bearwithme for your reply! I didn't use hammers to hit the keys, it was the chocolate spinner that covered them. The chest though cannot open. Here's my user ID: 4886078832. Hope they'll resolve this problem quickly.
@yogitheguru_yahoo1 The problem is that it doesn't open the ingredients at all, even after the keys are consumed by the chocolate! Something is completely wrong on this level 6136!