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Daily Quest disappears

Aine Posts: 52

Level 3

bearwithme I have cleared all I could the app is up to date I am afraid if I delete the app I will lose all of my progress still no daily quest I can send the screen sot it won’t go beneath the calendar quest has disappeared 

Best Answers

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Answer ✓
    Oh!  That's OK @Aine,

    Please don't worry about it!  I was getting curious as I really wanted to know what kind of Quest it was!!  And looks like I did not receive that feature at all, hence I am not getting any idea on how it looks!  But, since you said you will get an option to do the quest once in every 12 hours, I am sure that I do not have it =)  

    I am wondering!!  May be it was taken away from your game as you too might be receiving this new feature "Chocolate Box"!!  Just a thought! 

    Anyway, don't worry about showing the pic of those quests anymore!  If it appears again in your game, very well!  If not, just wait for the new feature! 

    Oh!  Please don't forget to send a complaint to the "Player Support Team" about your missing prize.  And, any other questions pops up, please don't hesitate to post back :+1:   
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928
    Answer ✓
    Hello @Aine, as @PummyRaj mentioned - there are various events and features that may show up in your game.  I also have never seen a quest that is every 12 hours and I believe the studios removed the Daily quest that you see in the picture above several months ago.  

    Not everyone has access to all the different features/events in the various games. The studio is always looking at ways to keep the game interesting and challenging and as a result, they will periodically pick a random group of people and give them access to an event or feature and sometimes they will remove access to a certain event or feature. So you may have been part of a test group with the 12 hour quest feature and now it has been removed, but maybe you will get something else just as nice (or even nicer) like the chocolate box (which I don't have either).  

    In any case, hopefully you are still enjoying playing the game and something new and exciting may be waiting for you just around the corner.


  • Aine
    Aine Posts: 52

    Level 3

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello @Aine, Welcome Back to our friendly King Community :) 

    I have just looked at your other posts & discussions you have commented in!  When you said "Quests" are you mentioning the "Chocolate Box" feature?  Are those the quests that have disappear from your game?  Here is the picture 👇 👇

    In some other thread, you have mentioned that, your Quests were disappeared few months ago! 

    I am sure those were a bit different than the quests you have now, isn't it?  I too had those quests for a very short while...
    some of those quests were --> Yeti asks to give 10 / 15 Lives to your friends; or we have to win a "super Hard level", etc.,   
    So, if you are talking about the "Chocolate Box", it is fairly new feature, and hence we do not know how it will act up!  

    And, yes!  Please do not delete and reinstall the game App, as you will be loosing all your saved up boosters!  But if you have saved the game, then you do not have worry about loosing the game progress :+1: 

    With regards to "not receiving the prize from the Quest", you will have to contact the King "Player Support Team" and send a complaint.  Here is the link 
    ** While filling out, enter the TOPIC as "Problems with my Game";
    and the SUB-TOPIC as "Prize not Received"; 
    Explain briefly about the issue and Submit the form.
    NOTE:  Along with above details, make sure to enter the Game Name correctly!

    After sending the complaint, you will be receiving an automated email as acknowledgement.  If you have not heard from them within 3 days, send a reply to that automated email you have received. 

    ** Please post back if you need further assistance by tapping on "Type your Comment" box located below =)

    Hoping for the Best!  Have a great rest of the day/evening! 
  • Aine
    Aine Posts: 52

    Level 3

    Thank you for responding but no that is not the quest I am talking about (as a matter of fact I have never seen what you are showing me) I am talking about the daily quest that comes under the calendar every day but thanks for the advice and I will send that email ! 
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello again @Aine

    I have just answered your other question at this link
    (I am not Bearwithme, but wanted to help you out as you were worried about the event and missing prize) =) 

    Please go to above link and post back if you have any further questions or comments, please post back by tapping on "Type your Comment" box located below, and you do not have to create another question :+1: 

    ** As per Community Guidelines, I will be closing this thread as it is "Duplicate Post"! 

    Thank you for understanding!  Hope everything works out fine!  Have a wonderful day/evening!
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello again @Aine, Thank you for replying back :+1: 

    I am sorry if I have confused you!  I do not have any quests under my Calendar!!  All the features I have in my "Power Ups" tab is the "Chocolate Box", "Daily Booster Wheel", "Fantastic 5" and the "Daily Treat Calendar"!!  

    So, did your Daily Quests include the tasks I wrote above... like give Lives to 10 friends; Use 1 Lollipop Hammer; Win a Hard Level, etc., etc.,??  I have just "googled" and I found this picture (and this is what I am talking about)... 

  • Aine
    Aine Posts: 52

    Level 3

    No I had a daily quest every day that I played and it disappeared when I had completed it...I used to have that troll thing so it may be along those lines but it was a daily quest every twelve hours gave you an option of what quest to play my app is not showing that it needs an update so I am really scratching my head here..,have been doing the daily quest every day 
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Answer ✓
    Oh!  That's OK @Aine,

    Please don't worry about it!  I was getting curious as I really wanted to know what kind of Quest it was!!  And looks like I did not receive that feature at all, hence I am not getting any idea on how it looks!  But, since you said you will get an option to do the quest once in every 12 hours, I am sure that I do not have it =)  

    I am wondering!!  May be it was taken away from your game as you too might be receiving this new feature "Chocolate Box"!!  Just a thought! 

    Anyway, don't worry about showing the pic of those quests anymore!  If it appears again in your game, very well!  If not, just wait for the new feature! 

    Oh!  Please don't forget to send a complaint to the "Player Support Team" about your missing prize.  And, any other questions pops up, please don't hesitate to post back :+1:   
  • Aine
    Aine Posts: 52

    Level 3

    Thanks PummyRaj...I did send that complaint and no I have no chocolate box or troll challenges...feel like I am getting left in the dust LOL hoping an update comes soon !
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928
    Answer ✓
    Hello @Aine, as @PummyRaj mentioned - there are various events and features that may show up in your game.  I also have never seen a quest that is every 12 hours and I believe the studios removed the Daily quest that you see in the picture above several months ago.  

    Not everyone has access to all the different features/events in the various games. The studio is always looking at ways to keep the game interesting and challenging and as a result, they will periodically pick a random group of people and give them access to an event or feature and sometimes they will remove access to a certain event or feature. So you may have been part of a test group with the 12 hour quest feature and now it has been removed, but maybe you will get something else just as nice (or even nicer) like the chocolate box (which I don't have either).  

    In any case, hopefully you are still enjoying playing the game and something new and exciting may be waiting for you just around the corner.
  • My quests have been the same for quite some time and the chocolate box was added 2 days ago. I still have the 5 untimed sugar drops.
    I have a concern though.
    Since new levels are added every Wednesday, i can only play 45 levels a week. This I sometimes achieve in 2- 3 days I can only complete the daily win in two to three weeks and seldom get to the number three spot for the weekly race.
    I tried limiting the amount of games per day, but the addictive nature of the game always get the better of me. Are there any options

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