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My saved game by email

prince454 Posts: 3 Newbie
edited February 2020 in Support

My email id (Edit by CM: Personal Information) which one using so long time on candy crush but at this time this email id is not working properly for candy crush. So please resolve this immediately.


  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,120 Candy Moderator
    edited February 2020

    Hello @prince454 and welcome to our friendly King Community. I am sorry to hear you are having this problem. Can you please provide a bit more information?

    When you refer to your email - is this your email you use to play the game so your progress is saved? Is the game not letting you sign in with this email? Are you getting an error message when you try to use the email? I don't need the actual email - I am just trying to figure out which email you are talking about and what is happening with it and your game so I can help you.

    I just saw you have also posted this under discussions and I saw your error message.

    Sometimes the game gets temporarily hung up and a few simple steps can help you out.  

    Clear your cache. The way to do this is slightly different depending on the platform and software you are using, but you should be able to use the internet to find out how to do that if in doubt.

     Check your app update - App developers are giving their best to deliver a great experience to the users, which is why they are constantly working on improvements. If users complain about the issue, including freezing and crashing, developers will fix it with an update. That is why it is essential to regularly update all your apps or at least the ones you use daily.

    Finally, shutdown the platform you are playing on for at least 20-30 seconds. Usually by doing these simple steps you can clear up a temporary problem you may be experiencing.

    If you are still having a problem please comment below in this thread and I will try and help you further.

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