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My boyfriend gets prompted to watch ads for lives and power ups so many times literally every single time he plays and I never get the option?? Like ever???

Best Answer

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308 Level 5
    Answer ✓

    Hello there, welcome to the forum.

    Seems like you're in one test group (of guinea pigs), while your boyfriend is in another.

    If anyone comes around & recommends clearing cache/uninstalling/reinstalling, don't do it; it's not gonna help in this case.

    You just gotta deal with the experiment for as long as it lasts, but have fun.

    Gotta luv being guinea pigs...


  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308 Level 5
    Answer ✓

    Hello there, welcome to the forum.

    Seems like you're in one test group (of guinea pigs), while your boyfriend is in another.

    If anyone comes around & recommends clearing cache/uninstalling/reinstalling, don't do it; it's not gonna help in this case.

    You just gotta deal with the experiment for as long as it lasts, but have fun.

    Gotta luv being guinea pigs...

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