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The last 2 weeks the life's are not being sent when a friend requests to send a life. Please fix.

Jan_de_Wee Posts: 3

Level 1

Lives are not being sent when friends request this


  • Flanje
    Flanje Posts: 772

    Hi @Jan_de_Wee There is a known issue with Lives and mailboxes and it is being investigated. Please see HERE for updates

  • dell12
    dell12 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    when i get lives in my mailbox . they are taken away ..when i get 5 more it will take up to 10

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello @Jan_de_Wee Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community 🤗

    I am very sorry to hear about the issue in your game! I am assuming that you are talking about the Candy Crush game!

    If so, there is an issue with this feature, and it was already reported to the Candy Crush Studio and they are looking into if and working for a fix 👍️

    Can I request you to go to this main thread and post your complaint there ---> "Issue with Lives" along with below details...

    1) Device you are using; (2) Logged in through Facebook OR Kingdom account; (3) Version you have.

    Since I am redirecting you to the main thread, I will close this thread as the team would like to keep all the complaints in a single place.

    Hope this made sense! Thank you for your patience and understanding! Have a great day/evening! 🌺

This discussion has been closed.

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