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thousands of boosters- levels jumping up by 100s

mariefanger Posts: 3

Level 1

I suddenly have Thousands-Millions of Boosters and keep jumping up by many levels looks like I played all when I was only at 2200-or something around there. 
What can I to reset this to the correct numbers??
thanks for any help! 

Best Answer

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Answer ✓

    Hi @mariefanger !

    Please reinstall the app to reset all errors in the game.

    Remember to save the levels by connecting the game to Facebook or a King account before reinstalling so you can restore the levels after the reinstall.


  • Flanje
    Flanje Posts: 772
    Your game has been corrupted or H.acked. Most likely H.acked as all the known h_acks rely on changing a number that is already there. Hence why there is still only one lollipop and 3 striped brushes. Sometimes h:akcers get greedy and invoke a block on the game. Re-install CCS and don't let any cheaters near it.
  • Hi @mariefanger
    We warmly welcome you to the Friendly King Community's Candy Crush Saga forum.🙂

    My friend @Flanje has already given you the right advice and I am analyzing you a bit more. Such problems occur because of temporary problems, server errors, or virus issues. In fact, your game has been corrupted so you have encountered such a problem.To protect your game, you need to uninstall your game app now and re-install. You'll get rid of poisonous boosters and your game progress will be perfect.
    Thank you.
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Answer ✓

    Hi @mariefanger !

    Please reinstall the app to reset all errors in the game.

    Remember to save the levels by connecting the game to Facebook or a King account before reinstalling so you can restore the levels after the reinstall.

  • mariefanger
    mariefanger Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Thanks @Crazy Cat Lad it worked, partially. Game doesn’t jump levels any more, booster numbers back to normal. But about 300-400 levels still appear to have been played and won with 1 star, with 1 level left unplayed every 10 or so levels. I know I have not played all those and would like my game to go back to normal.

    can you give any advice?

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121

    I can do a game reset in our system to fix this. You will lose all your scores though, but it will fix this.

    If you want me to do the reset, please post your Game ID and the level you are on here. Then delete the app on your device.

    I will do the reset and when it's done you can reinstall the app.

    How to find the Game ID, please check here.

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