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Sugar track reward box is empty

Darling Posts: 3

Level 1

Hi, I've been experiencing strange things with the sugar track recently. When I reach a certain number of. Sugar candies and the reward box appears, it opens only to show an empty box!

The above was on 23rd Feb.

The above one was today, just now.

What is happening and why is this happening?

Please enlighten me.

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928
    edited February 2020 Answer βœ“

    Hello @Darling and welcome to our wonderful community. I am sorry to hear you are having this problem. As @AbhinavSargar has mentioned - when I have run into this problem in the past - it's usually because there was either an interruption or dip in your internet connection and it should correct itself. However there has recently been a specific issue identified concerning this problem and you can find out more about it here. The problem is being looked in to and hopefully their will be a solution soon.

    Thank you.


  • Hi @Darling

    Welcome to the Community,

    Sorry to hear about your Problem on Recieving Gift Boxes Empty.

    Try Checking Your Internet Connection Speed. If it's slow then it will be the cause of this problem.

    Try Connecting Over Wi-Fi and Check Your Problem gets Solved.

    @Community_Team @PummyRaj @Sukanta_Biswas @bearwithme @Pounawea will assist you further if any of the above solution hasn't worked out for you.

    I hope this helps.

    Have A Nice Day!!

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928
    edited February 2020 Answer βœ“

    Hello @Darling and welcome to our wonderful community. I am sorry to hear you are having this problem. As @AbhinavSargar has mentioned - when I have run into this problem in the past - it's usually because there was either an interruption or dip in your internet connection and it should correct itself. However there has recently been a specific issue identified concerning this problem and you can find out more about it here. The problem is being looked in to and hopefully their will be a solution soon.

    Thank you.

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